Keywords:Security, certainty, clarity, change, growth, day, Baldr
The shape of Dagaz represents a stable balance between polar opposites, especially between light and dark. It represents the endless cycles of time, such as night into day and winter into summer. Its shape represents these things existing in equal balance. Because of this, it is a rune of the spring and fall equinox, points of the year where light and dark are equal. More specifically, it is the rune of Ostara as this rune carries the power of new growth from the darkness. All of these times are full of strength and well-being. Dagaz has great protective powers and is also a rune of health, prosperity and new openings. It will stop harm from entering but will still allow those helpful energies that we need to come into our lives. In the spiritual realm, Dagaz gives people access to cosmic consciousness.
Dagaz means day, and in the Nordic lands of long nights and winters, the day is strongly associated with light and life. Dagaz is the essence of natural daylight, the new light of dawn, and the strength of the sun. Spiritually, it is the divine light, the high point of the natural cycle of darkness-light-darkness. It signifies brightness, growth, progress, development, and sometimes fundamental change.
The divine light is guiding you towards your goal. True and good fortune will be with you. You are well protected by the power of the light. It will give you a clear vision to avoid dangers, but don't be blinded by your ego. Remain humble and thankful for all the good things that come to you.
How to Use Dagaz
Dagaz is a rune which carries many powerful energies. These include balance, protection, prosperity, success, achievement, growth, and the light of day/midday/midsummer. It represents a stable balance between opposites, such as light and dark, day and night, or summer and winter. Due to this representation of balance, it is closely associated with the spring and fall equinox, points of the year where night and day are in perfect balance. However, it is more closely tied to Ostara due to its energies of growth coming out of a period of darkness. Dagaz is a wonderful rune to carry if you are looking for more balance in your life. It can also be incredibly helpful if you are entering a period of light after a period of darkness as it will help to encourage growth. Dagaz is also a helpful rune for protection as it will keep harmful energies away while still allowing helpful energies to enter your life.
Dagaz may serve several purposes when used in one’s alter space. It is a wonderful rune for channeling energies of both Mabon and Ostara, though it carries a stronger connection to Ostara. This rune may also be used for connection to, and worship of, the Norse god Baldr. Baldr is the god of light and beauty, and Dagaz is his rune.
Handmade WitchRunes Pieces to Utilize the Energy of Dagaz
Use the Dagaz Norse Rune Pendant as a necklace, keychain, or other charm to carry the energies of Dagaz with you. You may also hang it in your altar space
Wear the Dagaz Norse Rune Earrings to carry twice as much Dagaz energy and to embody the perfect balance it represents
Use the Dagaz Norse Rune Painting in your home, personal space, or altar to call upon the energies of Dagaz
Place the Dagaz Norse Rune Painted Magnet on any magnetic surface such as a fridge or locker to keep the energies of Dagaz with you
Utilize Dagaz individually or in conjunction with the other 23 runes of the Elder Futhark with the Elder Futhark Norse Rune Set